Singing Guide: Joan Armatrading

Singing Guide: Joan Armatrading

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Joan Armatrading: Tips on How to Sing Like Her

1. Focus on Phrasing

One of the most distinctive features of Joan's vocal style is her phrasing. She often uses unexpected pauses and elongated notes to add emotional depth to her lyrics. To master this technique, try singing along to some of Joan's songs and pay close attention to how she delivers each line.

2. Experiment with Vocal Registers

Joan is known for her versatile voice and ability to seamlessly transition between different vocal registers. Whether she's belting out a powerful chorus or singing a gentle ballad, she always manages to stay in control of her voice. To learn how to do this, incorporate vocal exercises that focus on strengthening your head voice and chest voice, and practice transitioning between them smoothly.

3. Add Emotion to Your Performance

Joan's songs are known for their emotional intensity and raw honesty. To truly capture her vocal style, you'll need to learn how to convey emotion through your singing. Focus on connecting with the lyrics and allowing yourself to feel the emotion behind them. Experiment with different vocal techniques, such as vibrato or growling, to add even more depth and nuance to your performance.

4. Use Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a wealth of tools and resources to help you improve your singing, and many of them are relevant to Joan Armatrading's style. For example, our Vocal Range Test can help you determine your ideal range for singing her songs, while our Pitch Training game can help you improve your pitch accuracy. Additionally, articles such as How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice and Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking can help you build the foundations of a good singing technique.

5. Learn Joan's Signature Songs

To truly master Joan Armatrading's vocal style, it's important to study her music. Check out some of her most iconic songs, such as "Love and Affection" and "Drop the Pilot", and pay particular attention to her phrasing, timbre, and use of vocal registers. By incorporating elements of these songs into your own singing style, you can develop a more authentic and personalized vocal style.

Overall, mastering the unique vocal style of Joan Armatrading takes practice, patience, and dedication. But with the right resources and plenty of hard work, anyone can learn to sing like this legendary artist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.